Apar India College

Apar India College of Management and Technology offers MBA/BBA, MCA/BCA, MSc (IT)/B.Sc (IT), MA/BA (Journalism & Mass Communication) degree courses and provides regular classes (Monday to Friday) without charging any tuition fees along with 100 percent free Job oriented courses such as English speaking, Personality Development, Foreign Language, Hardware networking etc. Degrees are awarded by Sikkim Manipal University(SMU) which is a State Govt. University recognized by UGC, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. Students have to pay nominal university fee in the form of Demand Draft in favor of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) payable at Manipal.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Canadian government threatens McGill against fees hike

Canadian government threatens McGill against fees hike

When taking the decision to raise the tuition fees for the MBA programme, the McGill University did not realise they will face problem by the name of Quebec Government.
To help the management department funding the university had earlier on decided to raise the annual cost for Quebec students from $1,700 to $30,000.
Despite its argument,that the change will make McGill the best university in Canada, the Education Minister Michelle Courchesne did not permit the government to make such changes considering the fact that it limit the accessibility of some Quebec students to the MBA programmes.
Almost threatening McGill, Courchesne said if the hike is brought into action the government will take away the subsidies amounting to $28,000 per student that it has awarded to McGill.
So far no reaction has come from the McGill side of the controversy.

Source Link: http://studycanada.learnhub.com/news/1022-canadian-government-threatens-mcgill-against-fees-hike

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