Apar India College

Apar India College of Management and Technology offers MBA/BBA, MCA/BCA, MSc (IT)/B.Sc (IT), MA/BA (Journalism & Mass Communication) degree courses and provides regular classes (Monday to Friday) without charging any tuition fees along with 100 percent free Job oriented courses such as English speaking, Personality Development, Foreign Language, Hardware networking etc. Degrees are awarded by Sikkim Manipal University(SMU) which is a State Govt. University recognized by UGC, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. Students have to pay nominal university fee in the form of Demand Draft in favor of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) payable at Manipal.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Eight students to represent India at Intel Science Fair

Eight students to represent India at Intel Science Fair

Bangalore: Eight students who have been successful at India Initiative for Research & Innovation in Science (IRIS) with their Science and technology projects will represent India in the 2010 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) at San Jose, California from May 9-14.
The students (four in individual category and two each in the Team category) with their winning science and engineering projects will compete against more than 1500 others from various countries, an Intel statement said.
As the world's largest pre-college science fair and the only global science competition for students in grades 9-12, the Intel ISEF, is a program organized by Society for Science and the Public (SSP), it said.
The Intel ISEF winners are judged on their creative ability and scientific thought, as well as the thoroughness, skill, and clarity shown in their projects.
At the national level, IRIS encourages only research based science projects, the statement said.
At the week-long Science and Engineering Fair, students will have the opportunity to meet leading scientists and exchange ideas on various evolving topics in Science, Research and Technology, the statement said.

Source Link: http://www.dnaindia.com/academy/report_eight-students-to-represent-india-at-intel-science-fair_1374687

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  1. Congrats and Good Luck to all..


  3. I would say that these kind of platforms are best to know more about science and technology.. Show all you strength and tell world that INDIA have outstanding talent...All the best!!!
