About the Founder of APAR
Mr. Raj Kumar Jain, a renowned social activist, philanthropist, educationist and a President of India Awardee. He has been associated with different acts of social upliftment, Health awareness, Environment protection and many other activities in various other fields for the past 25 years.
He believes in working round the clock for the betterment of mankind.
He has a multifaceted personality who not only thinks for the improvement of the mankind but also acts and gets the things moving.
Writer & Journalist
• Jounalist - Punjab Kesari, the largest circulated Hindi Daily in India.
• Hony. Judge with Lok Adalat,
• Editor of Braham Gyan – a book on spiritual life which was presented personally to the President of India Prime, Minister of India, Dy, Prime Minister of India and many Cabinet Ministers of India.
• Regular Contribution in many weekly newspapers.
Awards & Honours
“President of India Award” – Presented by the President of India at Rashtrapati Bhawan “Sewa Rattan” “Samaj Rattan Sight Ambassador etc. dozens of awards presented by Union Ministers, Governors, Chief Minister of Delhi, Famous Film personalities etc for working in the field of Blood donation, Eye Donation, Handicapped & service to the Humanity.
Guest Speaker
At Seminars, Workshops, Debates etc. organized by National & International organizations and colleges.
Association With
Lions Club International since 1980 and worked in the different capacities such as Club President, Chairman, Addl. Cabinet Secretary etc.
Bharat Vikas Parishad
An International Organisation of repute having more than 1000 branches in India & and 14 other countries. Governor of Jharkhand State Justice Rama Jois (Former Chief Justice of Punjab & Haryana Court) is the National President. Top functionary of India are associated with this organization such as Union cabinet Minister of India Mr. Jag Mohan, Former Director of CBI S. Joginder Singh, International Jurist Dr. L. M. Singhvi M. P. (Former High Commissioner of India in England) Justice H. R. Khanna, (Former Judge of Supreme Court of India) Justice J. V.Gupta (former Chief Justice of High Court) At Present I am working as state Vice President and associated with the organization for the last 16 Years.
Bhartiya Yog Sansthan
Associated with Bhartiya Yog Sansthan for the last 22 years – Worked as President of - Shalimar Bagh & Rohini Zone and now the spokesperson of the all India organization working for the last 35 years in the field of Yoga & Health having many branches in different countries of the world.
Social Commitments
Associated with scores many social organizations such as Indian Red Cross Society, Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh, Indian Federation of United Nations Association, D.D.A. Parks Advisory Committee (Appointed by the Delhi Development Authority, a central Government Organisation), The Engineers club (Regd), A regd. body of Engineers of India, Rohini Resident’s Welfare Federation
• Founder Director - Hukum Chand Dharmarth Physiotherapy & Medical Centre
• Founder Gen. Secretary - Bhagwan Mahavir Dharmarth Medical Centre
• Patron - Bhartiya Natren Heen Kalyan Parishad (NGO working For the welfare of Blind & Handicapped and running a Blind girls hostel)
- School for the Handicapped, special school for Deaf & Dumb Boys & Girls
• Patron - Hindu Parve Samaroh Samiti (Regd)
• Life member - Guru Teg Bahadur Foundation
• General Secretary - Shri S.S Jain Sabha Sec-8 Rohini
- Bhagwan Mahavir Sewa Sansthan (Regd)
• Zonal Secretary- - Delhi Jain Mahasang
• Convenor - Aggarwal Sabha Rohini (Regd)
- Rohini Dharmik Sabha (regd)
- All India S.S Jain Conference
Contribution Towards Society
Mr. Raj Kumar Jain, floated the concept of providing free professional education and thus, established Apar India. It facilitates students who want to pursue professional education but are unable to do so due to limited availability of seats in the Government Institutions and exorbitant fees charged by renowned private Institutions. Through the Institute we are catering to those students who have been denied the opportunity of Higher Education due to limited availability of seats in prestigious Colleges or due to inability to pay the exorbitant fees that are charged by Private Professional Institutions. He also said that Apar India has come up with a unique idea of giving free full time classes to all, along with job oriented certificate courses such as Foreign Language, Communication Skills, Personality Development, Hardware & Networking and Financial Accounting etc, which would prepare the students for the present job market. Though Apar is providing free professional education and training to its students, but it never compromises with the quality of education that is imparted to its students and maintains International standards, as is obvious by the ISO 9001:2000 certification being awarded to the Institute. The Institute is also functional in instilling the core values of honesty, Integrity, sincerity, loyalty and a sense of responsibility towards the Nation through the motto of “Shiksha” “Sanskaar” & “Sewa”.
• BLIND: Mr. Jain has been involved with Bhartiya Netraheen Kalyan Parishad helping the blind time and again by distributing the White Sticks that are the guiding factors for the blind.
• Mr. Jain has been conferred with the Abhinandan Patra for his outstanding ontribution in eye donation project, which was organized by Venu Charitable Society. He is the SIGHT AMBASSADOR for donation of eyes.
• DEAF & DUMB: He has constructed a building for the Deaf and Dumb School to assist the deaf and dumb.
• HANDICAPPED: Tricycles, Artificial Limbs, have by distributed regularly to the needy by Mr. Jain.
• Mr. Jain has organized many cultural functions for the handicapped, which serves as the podium for the projection of the inner talents of the otherwise handicapped children.
• PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC: Mr. Jain has established Physiotherapy clinic whereby people are given treatment free of cost for the last ten years.
• HEALTH CAMPS: From time to time Mr. Jain has organized free check-up camps for heart, eye and ENT.
• BLOOD DONATION CAMPS: In association with Bharat Vikas Parishad, Mr. Jain has been actively involved in organizing blood donation camps at regular intervals.
• ASSOCIATED WITH YOG SANSTHAN FOR THE PHYSICAL, MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL UPLIFTMENT OF MANKIND: He has been associated for 25 years with the Bharatiya Yog Sansthan and has constructed a massive ashram in Rohini in 6000 sq. mt. Allotted by DDA and the services are free.
• Working as a Chairman of DDA Parks Advisory Committee, Mr. Jain has worked actively for the protection of Environment and Keeping the environment green and clean. Working towards this goal Mr. Jain has planted thousands of saplings in parks adopted and developed many parks with the help of DDA & MCD authorities
• Has organized many seminars in the Schools of Delhi to educate the students regarding the harmful effects of using polythene bags and has motivated the students to quit the usage of polythene bags.
• CRUSADE AGAINST FEMALE FEOTECIDE: Mr. Jain was the Chairman of the Organising Committee which organized a seminar to create awareness against the female feotecide to eliminate the gender bias that is prevalent in India. The seminar was held at Constitution Club and eminent personality like Sahib Singh Verma, Sadhvi Rithambara, Mridula Sinha and many other personalities were present at the meeting and expressed their views on this evil.
• IN THE WAKE OF GUJARAT EARTHQUAKE Mr. Raj Kumar Jain who is the Chairman of Lion’s Club along with other members of the Lion’s Club collected cash and other materials which was sent across to assist those in need.
• At the time of Kargil War Mr. Jain along with the other members of Bhartiya Vikas Parishad organized blood donation camps for the benefit of the soldiers fighting for the country at the borders.
• He also awarded 1 lakh each to the widows of the martyrs of the Kargil war.
Apar Weblink:http://www.aparindiacollege.com/index.htm
Apar India College
Apar India College of Management and Technology offers MBA/BBA, MCA/BCA, MSc (IT)/B.Sc (IT), MA/BA (Journalism & Mass Communication) degree courses and provides regular classes (Monday to Friday) without charging any tuition fees along with 100 percent free Job oriented courses such as English speaking, Personality Development, Foreign Language, Hardware networking etc. Degrees are awarded by Sikkim Manipal University(SMU) which is a State Govt. University recognized by UGC, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. Students have to pay nominal university fee in the form of Demand Draft in favor of Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) payable at Manipal. |
Hi, can you tell me the mission of Apar India College?
ReplyDeleteApar India was established in 1998, with a mission of providing quality education in the true literal sense that is imparting knowledge, skills and instilling the moral values of Shiksha, Sanskaar and Sewa in the students. The Institute provides University Degrees duly affiliated to Sikkim Manipal University in the field of Management, IT and Journalism. At present it is catering to more than 1000 students who are pursuing MBA, BBA, MCA. BCA. BSc.IT, BA and MA in Journalism and Mass Communication.